Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Summary -3 17th September 2018 night

1. We become children of God by receiving the Spirit of sonship ( Holy spirit )
1. All children of God are directed by the Holy Spirit even if at times we wander God will not let us wander for long.
3. Even if at times we feel we have no Spirit, God's Spirit gives us the assurance that we are children of God
3. Law is for the sinner and not the righteous
4. We are righteous because we have the Spirit
5. We keep from sin not because the law forbids sinful behavior, rather we live a righteous life because the Spirit enables and leads us.
6. If we are under Law then we are sinners
7. We live under Grace so sin will have no Dominion on us
8. We are not slaves to law/sin but slaves to grace/righteousness
9. Deliverance from sin comes progressively. So it is observed that in some areas we are under grace and in some areas we are under the law.
10. Comparing ourselves or our church with others and arriving at a relative form of righteousness is foolishness. Our comparison should be with the Absolute perfection of Jesus Christ. Only then we will be broken and look to Jesus to fulfill His standard of righteousness in us
11. Since we have a Spirit of sonship we live without fear of a slave about his master's judgment
12. Jesus himself fulfills his righteousness in us and credits it to our account.
13. Money promotes hoarding mentality. Money should roll for the benefit of society and should not be accumulated. The richest man is one who spends most and not one who keeps most.
14. It is not necessary to conduct a marriage in the church calling a lot of people. But even spending much during marriage helps others who benefit from the payments made. We should refrain from conducting marriage by taking debts and producing financial strain on us later.
15. Lucifer is not Satan
16. Lucifer means "morning star" Jesus is also called "bright morning star" in the bible "Later Christian tradition came to use the Latin word for "morning star", lucifer, as the proper name ("Lucifer") of the Devil as he was before his fall.[26] As a result, "Lucifer has become a byword for Satan or the Devil in the church and in popular literature",[4] as in Dante Alighieri's Inferno, Joost van den Vondel's Lucifer, and John Milton's Paradise Lost.[18] However, unlike the English word, the Latin word was not used exclusively in this way and was applied to others also, including Jesus.[27] The image of a morning star fallen from the sky is generally believed among scholars to have a parallel in Canaanite mythology.[28]" See search results for lucifer in Latin Vulgate here
17. Jesus is the only Anointed one
18. We receive the anointing of Jesus when we are his body like the anointing oil that flows down from the head of Aron to his body.
19. Every born again person is anointed because he/she is part of the body but there are times we experience the filling of the Holy Spirit in a greater measure. ( 1 Corinthians 12:13 ) For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free, and we were all given one Spirit to drink.
20. Prophets use poetic language which need not be taken literally.
21. Lucifer in Ezekiel talks about the king of Babel and not Satan.

Whattsapp response from Paul G Mampilly >>>>>>>

The summary is really good to the group.
May I add some more to the points discussed reg 
Point 3 : How does Holy Spirit gives us the assurance that we are children of God? 
This assurance I feel is a conviction testified by the Holy Spirit based on the evidences discernible in the spiritual life of a child of God.
Rom 8/16: The Holy Spirit bears witness that we are the children of God. I think the following are some some of the testimonies of Holy Spirit to confirm our conviction in this regard. There are still more I believe.
Rom 8/14: Sons of God are led by the Holy Spirit.  He has progressive spirit led life rather than a flesh led life.
Rom 8/13: In the lives of the child of God, the deeds of the flesh - the remains of the old man (outter man?) are put to death by the Holy Spirit and the inner man grows stronger progressively.
Coll3/1,2: A child of God will look up to the things above i.e. to Jesus Christ and set his desires accordingly for spiritual enlightenment and growth. He looses interest in the comforts and desires of the world.
Rom 8/15: A child of God, gets himself free from the bondage of fear. Progressively, he has no fear of death as discussed.
1John 3/9: 1 John 5/18 (ESV Bible): A child of God does not keep on sinning. I mean going on sinning with out a repentance. He may, out of his weakness in the flesh, sin sparingly but the Holy Spirit prompts him to repent before the mercy seat and the Holy Spirit enables him to crucify this sin habit.
1 John 3/16-18: A child of God will love his brothers in Christ and this love would be evident in doing good deeds by the prompting of the Holy Spirit in him.
Rom 1/17, Chapter Heb11, Heb 10/38:  A child of God will always long to live by faith in Jesus Christ rather than on material things of the world.
Heb 12/6: In the life of a child of God, God allows trails ( tribulations) of faith to enable him  to crucify the ‘self’ in him and get broken so that we look forward to get Jesus Christ as our substitute.  2 Corr 12/9: A child of God rejoices in his weakness as God gives abundance of grace when we are weak.
Rom 8/28: Holy Spirit would bring a child of God to realize that whatever adversity comes about in his life, God has allowed that to happen for his eternal good. So he sooner recovers from the trauma and would enjoy the peace in Jesus Christ.
1Cor10/31: Holy Spirit prompts a child of God to do everything for the glory of the Lord, giving praise and thanksgiving and prompts him to pray intermittently.
2 Cor6/14: Holy Spirit prompts a child of God to keep away from anything spiritually unclean especially anything that is against the word of God i.e. anything that doesn't give glory to Jesus Christ.
I think all the above spiritual qualities are produced by the infilled Holy Spirit. Pl subtatiate.

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