Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Summary -1 3rd September 2018 night

1. we fall into gross sin because we do not give glory to God
2. unsaved man is unable to give glory to God because he hates god
3. natural man is unable to give glory to God because he takes the glory of his self-effort
4. the apostolic calling in to bring about the obedience of faith which is different from the obedience of law or obedience of conscience
5. how obedience of faith comes only by God opening our eyes to the truths of the gospel and how self-effort is utterly useless and is a hindrance
6. how the only way to experience freedom from sin is to actually see that we died with Jesus. Faith is given to us by God to see the unseen reality not even striving through prayer gives us total deliverance. Truth is not just correctness buy truth is changeless
7. about slavery to grace and how only that produces the righteous works of Christ in us.
8. how slavery to grace only come through a shattering experience through an encounter with God when we find out that all our self-efforts are utterly useless to produce the love of Christ or the righteous works of Christ in us
9. how we cannot produce this brokenness by ourselves and how we are utterly depended on God for repentance
9. how we cannot speed up this encounter with God and how God himself slowly leads us into this crisis
10 that faith is not a condition that God imposes on us but how it is a gift of God and we need not pray for faith but start using the little we got to see it increase
11. how God's standards are impossible to achieve unless Christ himself comes and lives in us and does the work for us on our behalf.
12. how even sincere tears will not kill sin in us but only God can save us.
13. why godly habits are not the righteous works God has prepared for us and how godly habits are only the beginning stages of Christian life
14. why mental acknowledging of truth will not take you far in Christian life and how God only can produce the reality.

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